Why Planning a Renovation in the Winter is a Good Idea

After the whirlwind of the holidays finally dies down, most people are ready to relax for the next few months. The last thing they’re thinking about doing is renovating their house, but it may be something worth entertaining. Let’s look at the reasons why taking on upgrades during the winter is a good idea for both your home and your budget.

Contractors aren’t as busy

When it comes to major renovations, the average homeowner can’t take on these plans themselves. Big changes that involve your plumbing or electrical systems take skill to do correctly and safely, so it’s important you find the right people for the job.

In the summer, looking for a contractor can be a challenge. The summer holidays for the building industry is like the winter holidays for retail — it’s busy! This is the time when they’ll make the majority of their business, so most companies are fully booked.

There’s nothing worse than taking the time to find the perfect contractor for your plans, only to find out their schedule is full for the rest of the year. There’s less of a chance of this happening if you wait until the new year to take on new plans. Fewer homeowners are looking for help remodeling in the winter than in the summer, so you won’t face as much competition when hiring your preferred contractor.

It’s cheaper

Organizing your renovations around a lull in the construction industry may help you save some money on your renovation.

Some trades charge more during their peak season. With more people looking for help, contractors can comfortably raise their prices without scaring away customers.

The flip side is true, too. In the winter, when builders have fewer jobs lined up, some contractors will be hunting for work. You may be able to use their predicament to your advantage by negotiating a lower price for the job. Negotiating a better deal with your builder is one way to lower what you need to spend on your reno.

Alternatively, if you can’t lower their prices, you may be able to boost your budget. Try looking for savings in other parts of your home, so you can contribute more towards your project.

If you aren’t sure how to start cutting expenses, an online lender like MoneyKey shows how easy it is to cut your monthly utility costs by focusing on your energy use. With tips that include draft management, the temperature of your hot water, and setting your thermostat for the season, these tricks are simple to follow no matter how busy you get this winter. If you commit to them for the long-term, you may see considerable savings you can put towards your renovations.

There’s less humidity

If you’ve ever painted a wall during a humid day in the summer, you know it can feel like it takes forever for a single layer of paint to dry. High humidity levels add moisture to the air, impacting the time it takes for paint, glue, or mortar to dry or changing the way building materials like wood join.

The colder, drier conditions of the winter is ideal for certain outdoor projects. Your heated home is also perfect for indoor renovations like laying new flooring, installing new molding, or upgrading your bathroom. These projects benefit from the lower humidity levels.

Sure, the winter is an unorthodox time for household renovations. And sure, the winter makes it impossible to take on the more elaborate renovations to the outside of your home. But the colder months may be the perfect time to take on changes to your indoor spaces. Consider planning your upgrade during the winter this year. Your winter-tie reno might help you secure cheaper rates and a greater choice of contractors!

Amanda: I love to buy a lot of products for the home, and dissect them out. I split them into duds and winners, and share the findings here on my site. As a reader of my site, I'm aiming for your next purchase to be an informed and inspired one.
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