4 Clever Landscape Solutions For Your Small Space 

Having a relaxing space at home covered with beautiful plants is every homeowner’s dream. But having a small area can deter you from fulfiling that dream. Some homeowners believe that a larger lot can provide you with the best garden at home. However, you must never let the size of your vacant lot to stop you from having your garden at home. Even landscape experts believe that designing the space lies in your creativity, not its size. If you want to start working on your small garden, here are several landscape solutions that will let you create a beautiful garden like a pro.

Combine Different Features

When working in a limited space, one of the challenges that you may face is determining the number of features or elements that you want to see in the area. You must also decide if your chosen feature is practical to install in your restricted space. But if you know how to come up with accurately executed landscape solutions, you can successfully execute a small garden that has an illusion of space. You need some imagination to help you incorporate the garden features that you wish to see in your small area.

Merge Some Wall Decor

Walls can become an essential feature in small spaces. While it can become an eyesore if not executed properly, walls can still serve as a big canvas that you can use to create beautiful designs in your bare yard.

For example, your brick wall can serve as an extra space to hang pots or water features. You may also hang differently sized mirrors to give the area an illusion of a bigger space and offer a focal point in the garden. These features will help add more attitudes to your small garden.

Incorporate A Water Feature

Small gardens will look better if you use a water feature. The sound of the flowing water will enhance the relaxing feel of the place as well as provide a cooling element during a hot, sunny day. However, you need to make sure that your water feature will not create too much sound in the small space. If the sound of the water will produce a loud echo in the walls, you may get irritated and make you feel more stressed than ever. So make sure that your water feature will suit the size of your space.

Allocate A Space For Relaxation

Since you want to turn your small vacant lot into a relaxing place, you need to reserve a dedicated spot where you can hang out and unwind. It can be simple furniture like a small bench or something more extravagant like an entire sitting space surrounded with plush pillows and comfortable rugs.

Landscape solutions like hanging several hammocks provide a spot to relax, especially if you want to lie around and read a book for a while. You may also add some tables where you can put your drinks and other refreshments.

Turning your vacant lot at home into a tranquil place to sit back and rest could be one of the best decisions that you can make for your home. It does not matter if the space is too small for a proper garden. As long as you know how to let your imagination run wild while remaining practical about the use of the area, your small landscape solutions will give you a fantastic result.

And a few clever tips from GrowVeg:

Frequently Asked Questions

Not everyone has the luxury of owning a spacious garden. Living in a house with a limited landscape isn’t ideal, but it’s nice to go outside for some fresh air any now and then.

It would help if you didn’t give up on your plans for the landscape simply because it’s not as generous as you have dreamed. Learn how to maximize the space by reading our FAQs before abandoning any plans for managing the tiny space outside your house.

1. What do you want for that space?

It’s vital that you make a list of needs and wants for your landscape. Do you want to organize it so that your kids could play? Are you dreaming of a growing veggie? Would you like to make an excellent place for your family to have dinner outside?

Even if you’re not good at drawing, you should make some sketches of your yard, making sure you note all the things you want for space. A few lines and a couple of circles are going to be enough. It would help if you played a bit with different ideas before buying anything.

2. Have you studied the landscape thoroughly?

Again, you don’t need to be a weatherman to know every little thing about the sun and wind in your landscape. However, it’s a good idea to observe the sun and wind patterns. For instance, you shouldn’t place the patio on the west side of the house as you’re going to lose a lot of the afternoon sun. All those plans about having dinner on the patio go down the drain if the place isn’t sunny and warm.

It would help if you didn’t rush into it. Go outside and spend some time until you figure out everything.

3. Why should you start small?

Don’t fall in the trap you see on TV- it’s impossible to take care of your landscape overnight, even if it’s small. There’s an army of people working in TV shows, so you’re not going to be able to do everything in a blink of an eye.

Many professionals recommend that you start small with a flower bed, for instance. You don’t need to fill all the space at once. It’s better than you are meticulous and take time before making any decisions.

4. Have you set the focal point?

No matter how big or small your landscape is, setting a focal point or several focal points are essential when designing it. A tree, a series of shrubs, a sculpture, or an exotic plant can become the focal point of your landscape.

5. How much do you know about pacing and scaling?

Truth be told, beginners don’t know, but scaling and pacing a landscape can give a beautiful appearance to your space. You can achieve a lot when playing with colors, shape, size, and tall plants against some wall. Paths in a landscape can work miracles.

Finding the best balance between new elements and repetition is a great principle to use for a small landscape. Redundancy ensures a cohesion feel, but you need to avoid monotonously. Only add a couple of new elements for reducing the risk of monotony.

6. Can you also afford to leave some space?

The risk of overcrowding your miniature landscape is quite high, but it’s better that you always leave a small space just in case. When you’re using too many items, you can create a claustrophobic effect.

A tiny patch of grass and unobstructed hardscaping can have a high impact on the landscape.

7. Why is layering fundamental?

When decorating a small landscape, the layering is fundamental. You should see your view as a forest with low groundcovers, some ferns, and understory trees and shrubs that handle shade. Don’t forget to add some tall trees too.

Use bulbs, crevice plants, and groundcovers for creating a layered landscape, without skipping a beautiful flower bed space.

8. Does it make any sense to use walls and fences?

Even if your landscape is small, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have some privacy. On the contrary, you should use the fences and the walls for your small yard, with vines being the ideal solution. Make sure that you get one that isn’t garden thug nor invasive.

9. Why are vertical gardens magnificent for a small space?

It would help if you thought vertically for your miniature landscape, to get the best out of the space. There are plenty of products that help you grow plants vertically.

Should you be the DIY customer, you can always make one on your own to fit your landscape correctly.

10. Could the hanging planters work too? How about window baskets?

There are many ways for maximizing space, and hanging planters are one solution. Moreover, you don’t need to go shopping as you can make some out of plastic bottles. If that doesn’t float your boat, you should go shopping for some pre-planted hanging baskets.

Don’t forget that you may add more plants in your landscape with some window boxes. Ideally, you should attach them right beneath the windows. Otherwise, you can place them on a porch, hanging from a deck railing or around your patio as well.

11. Do dwarf and columnar plants work together?

Growers are continually developing new cultivars with different particularities. The dwarf habit is one of them. For instance, you may very well grow a pine that matures at 1ft or 80ft.

Dwarf plants are great for small landscapes as they allow you to add more companion plants. Don’t forget about columnar plants (upright pear cultivar), which grow straight up. They provide plenty of space to the side, which means light at the bottom for other plants.

12. What do you do with the narrow spots?

There are plenty of narrow strips that have no moisture or soil in gardens, and small gardens make no exception. It would help if you didn’t ignore or fight against them, but rather take advantage. You may insert some vining groundcovers, allowing them to sprawl on the area. Ivy works for the shady corners, whereas succulents are great for the sunny spots. Add some gravel as it doesn’t need much attention and maintains the plant foliage clean.

13. Can you even add containers?

Regardless of what you may think, containers are great for maximizing the space in your small landscape. They bring character to any area and let you display your favorite plants. Use odd numbers and make sure you match the colors, creating a beautiful focal point in your small garden.

14. Lawn or lawn substitute?

A small lawn is efficient for a small landscape, opening up the area and reducing the claustrophobic feel. When mowing seems like a bit of a fuss, you can always replace the mown with a groundcover, making the lawn to become your garden.

15. What’s the most important thing when dealing with a small landscape?

Unless you’re determined to use something in your small space, you should be very honest about what you truly like in your landscape. Don’t be afraid to try new things whenever you feel that something doesn’t work anymore.

Patience is fundamental when dealing with a small landscape, especially if you’re decorating a space for the first time. You can always go with temporary solutions (mulch, annuals, or ground covers that grow fast) for covering the area. Small perennials and annuals are a reliable choice until the larger plants fill in the gaps. Don’t forget that you can always move them around for a better display.

Author Name: Cathy
Author bio: I travel the entire world while blogging and doing freelancing services. Before I started writing for a living I experimented with various occupations, but writing is my favorite job and doing it full time makes me happy. I helped many of my clients build their audience online. I love creating unique and research-driven content.
Amanda: I love to buy a lot of products for the home, and dissect them out. I split them into duds and winners, and share the findings here on my site. As a reader of my site, I'm aiming for your next purchase to be an informed and inspired one.
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