Categories: Baby

Baby Room Checklist: Preparation and Decorating for the Arrival of Your Bundle of Joy

Bringing a baby home can induce either a sigh of relief or panic—that is if you don’t prepare for their arrival. From hiring house cleaning professionals to filling the room with supplies, here’s the checklist you need.

1. Baby’s Room

What goes into the baby’s room? The supplies your infant needs go beyond a few packages of diapers. Other items include:

Crib or bassinet
Dresser for baby clothes
Cleaning or diaper-changing station
Comfortable chair where you can put the baby to sleep or breastfeed
A station for hygiene products
Cabinets or baskets for toys

Your choices depend on many factors, such as the size of the room and your future plans. For example, you may co-sleep with your baby once they reach three months old.

Your pediatrician can recommend the best baby supplies for the room. Babies, for instance, need a clutter-free crib to minimize the risks of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

2. Cleaning

According to a cleaning services in Peoria, your baby’s room needs intensive cleaning since infants are born with a weak immune system. The question is, who should do the house cleaning?

Some parents may decide to take care of cleaning by themselves to save money. In the long run, though, it may be more advantageous to hire professionals like Cottage Care:

You can focus more on the baby’s arrival or your delivery.
Professional cleaners can take care of the baby’s room but also the entire house.
Parents can spend more time relaxing. After all, once the baby arrives, they will be dealing with sleepless nights.
You do not have to buy cleaning materials and supplies.
Professional house cleaning specialists possess the knowledge and expertise to clean your home comprehensively.

House cleaning can be flexible. You can do it one time or have them visit your home once a month, every two weeks or even weekly.

3. Baby Proofing

Many parents wait until their baby starts to stand, walk, or crawl before they think about baby-proofing the home. The best time is three months before their arrival.

In the nursery, make sure that:

Rugs and carpets are underneath furniture such as tables or mobile stations. These prevent accidents like falls.
Place the crib away from windows, curtains, and wall decor.
Remove hanging mobiles from the crib. Your infant can reach it, and the cords can potentially lead to strangulation. If you want to use one, they should be several inches away from the crib. Always check that objects are correctly secured.
Do not use cords on curtains.
Ensure supplies are not within the baby’s reach.
Get rid of pillows, blankets, and stuffed toys from the crib.
Add corner guards at the edges of the furniture.
Install proper lighting.

As your baby gets older, you will need to update your baby-proofing strategies. You may have to add comfortable puzzle mats or rugs as they begin to crawl.

It is normal to find yourself asking, “Am I doing enough?” when it comes to preparing the baby’s room. In reality, parenting itself is full of surprises.

Fortunately, you can give yourself a great head start with this checklist. It is short, but it covers the basics from house cleaning to designing and baby-proofing the room. Once you tick off these items, you will have more time for waiting and less for worrying.

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