Whole House Water Filters – How Water Filtration Systems Work

Providing clean and safe water for household use is a top priority for most people. One of the easiest ways to achieve this goal is to use a whole house water filter. This is different from a kitchen water filter that is specifically used to clean water that comes from the kitchen faucet. With a whole house filter system, the filter is installed at the water entry point thus ensuring that all the water in your house is free of contaminants and impurities.

Usually, the water filtration process can be done in as few as two steps to as many as six depending on the degree of purity required. Here is a breakdown of the five most common steps of the process, in addition to the perks of installing a whole house water filter in your home. For guidance on which water filter to purchase, be sure to click on https://waterfilterbase.com/best-whole-house-water-filter-reviews/.


How Does a Whole House Water Filtration System Work?

1.Pre- filtering

Sometimes, water from the municipal council can contain plenty of visible dirt. The first step in the filtration process is to get rid of this dirt. In this step, impurities that are 5 microns or larger are trapped and removed from the water. This has the added benefit of preventing clogging as the water undergoes more intense purification.


2.Chlorine Removal

The second step is to get rid of chlorine. Chlorine is introduced in to tap watertap water at the water treatment plant in order to get rid of biological contaminants. Even though the chemical serves a very important function at the treatment plant, it can be quite hazardous if consumed on a regular basis. Chlorine is a known carcinogenic and can generally wreak havoc in your body. It also gives water an unpleasant chemical taste. This is why it is important that it be removed from the water before it causes you untold harm. In this second step, every other chemical that resembles chlorine, such as ammonia, is also removed from the water.


3.Use of Activated Charcoal

Another important step in the filtration process is the use of carbon to get rid of a wide variety of water contaminants. Carbon is preferred because it has a large internal surface, which ensures that it traps virtually all impurities found in the water. Activated charcoal also helps to get rid of odors and unpleasant tastes found in water. Purification by the use of activated charcoal is without doubt one of the most effective ways of cleaning water.

4.Reverse Osmosis

To understand reverse osmosis, it is important to first grasp what osmosis is all about. Osmosis is the process by which water molecules move from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration through a semi- permeable membrane. The process uses osmotic pressure to achieve equal concentration between two mixtures of unequal concentrations. In reverse osmosis however, water pressure is used to pass waterpass water through a semi- permeable membrane at high pressure. This causes the water to pass through the membrane, whereas the contaminants are sieved out and left behind.

Reverse osmosis virtually achieves the highest possible degree of water purification. Even though electricity is typically not used in the process, it can still be rather expensive to filter your water using this method.

5.Waste Removal

The final process in water filtration is waste removal. Simply put, it entails flushing out all the waste that has been sieved from the water. Usually, the most waste will be found from reverse osmosis, although other filtration methods still produce a fair amount of waste.


What are the Advantages of a Whole House Water Filter?

1.Get Clean Drinking Water

One cannot overemphasize just how important it is to drink clean water. When you drink water that is devoid of contaminants and impurities, you shield yourself from myriad illnesses and diseases. Clean water can go a long way in boosting your immunity, not to mention protecting you from over 2100 toxins found in dirty tap water. Moreover, clean drinking water simply tastes better than unpurified water.


2.Good for Household Uses

You might think that you only need clean water in your house for drinking, but this is hardly the case. Even showering in contaminated water can be dangerous because some toxins can be absorbed through the skin. You also don’t want to be cleaning surfaces using contaminated water, do you?



Installing a home water filtration system for your whole house is an inexpensive way to provide clean water for your whole family. There are numerous kinds of filters to choose from, and most vary depending on how clean you need your water to be. The benefits of installing such a system in your house are innumerable: don’t hesitate to get yours today.

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