Categories: Sewing

Top 10 Quilting Resources for May

Quilting is both fun and easy, but it may seem a bit complicated and sophisticated, especially when you are so very new to the field.

No matter how much you may like it from a distance, some quilting resources to throw an eye on wouldn’t hurt as your imagination and good will may not be as wide as you think. Let’s not to mention the part when you are so sure about some quilting model and, as you go, you realize things goes awry and you realize your project is compromised.

Some of the quilting resources out there, whether it’s the best sewing machines for quilting or other, are for the entry-level quilter and give plenty of information and “step-by-step” techniques in order to make the easy and nice quilting items.

For the experienced quilter though, the number of resources is amazing as not only these quilting resources are helping, but also the imagination, the skills of the quilter per say.

Whether you’re looking for the sources that give you an idea on how to do it, or for those who help you increase the variety of your models, there’s only one catch: you do need to take the time and give them a look.

1. Best Beginner Monogramming Sewing Machine

Best Beginner Monogramming Sewing Machine

The first thing that strikes you when going to this page is the colorful (quite girly, we may add) appearance that sure does invite you to give it at least of couple of minutes to see what’s there.

The playful vibe is catchy and the website has plenty of sections that are visible, user-friendly and easy to go through. The website helps the new entry-level quilter, but it’s a great tool for the experienced one as well.

The article talks about the most popular sewing machines when it comes to sewing and has nice, large sections that include plenty of details on those choices.

You can definitely get the idea about each one of them, but it’s a bit tricky to get a glimpse on the downsides- it’s impossible for any product not to have any!

In addition, if this one in particular doesn’t answer all your questions and you want to know more on other subjects, have a peek at the right side of the page; there are plenty of other articles to read from!

2. A Quick Guide to Your Sewing Machine Presser Feet

A Quick Guide to Your Sewing Machine Presser Feet

If you don’t know much about presser feet, it’s impossible not to get an idea from the next article.

Maybe this isn’t the catchiest article that has been ever written, but the fact that is so informative and helpful counts a lot more than some playful colors or images.

As a matter of fact, this is why we like it in the first place: it offers so much information on the presser feet and describes, nice and easy, each of the presser feet. The images are clear and you basically find out how and when to use a specific presser foot.

Sure, we would have liked better contrast on the colors for the important stuff, but, as we mentioned right from the beginning, this is supposed to be helpful and not that playful.

3. Sewing Through Several Thick Layers

Sewing through many thick layers of fabric

For those of you who are trying to find an easy, clear method to sew through several thick layers, this next one is quite helpful and dependable.

The instructions are clear and simple and it’s easy to follow them. We do get the impression the tutorial addresses a bit more to the experienced quilter and not the entry-level one, though. That’s because the tutorial doesn’t include many pictures and sure feels as if it lacks something.

In addition, if you fail on sewing several thick layers, don’t feel bad: this tutorial “feels” you and comforts you with a true fact- not all sewing machine are powerful enough to do that, anywayJ

On the other hand, the website isn’t exactly about quilting, so the tutorial works just fine if you’re experienced and don’t need all the steps when sewing anyways.

4. Matchstick Quilting Tutorial

Matchstick Quilting Tutorial

First thing we like about this is its tone as you really feel like actually talking to the quilter herself. We can almost feel as excited as she is about the matchstick quilting and we’re positively sure her excitement is pure.

The explanations are easy to understand and you do need to scroll down a lot in order to read them. The pictures are big and very clear (we told you about the excitement part!) and show you quite nicely various stitches, styles and threads.

As long as you get over the abundance of colors, you may find the tutorial explanatory… 🙂

5. How To Clean a Sewing Machine Tutorial

How to Clean Sewing Machine Tutorial

You may not see it, but your sewing machine does get dirty and needs to be cleaned from time to time. The next tutorial is great if you have no idea on how to do it or why you need to do it in the first place.

We find the tutorial of great help as it guides you, step by step, on how to open and take down your sewing machine for cleaning. The instructions are easy to follow and the images are nice and clear.

There’s only bad part related to this one: it doesn’t put your sewing machine back together 🙂

6. Read this list before buying a sewing machine

Read this list before buying sewing machine

If you want to start sewing or simply get another sewing machine, you may find some useful information when checking the next one.

We also got so excited when we read the big black title- it sure looks promising and professional, right?

You do get an idea about what counts the most when getting a sewing machine (tips, important features), but the tutorial does have an inconsistency feel to it. sometimes it asks you stuff, sometimes it just tells you important rules.

At the end of it though, you do get the feeling you know a bit more about a sewing machine. Not much, though.

7. Will This Presser Foot Fit My Sewing Machine

“Will This Presser Foot Fit My Sewing Machine?”

For those of you who don’t know if a specific, presser foot is going to fit your sewing machine, this next tutorial sure does give you a big hand on that.

What we like about this one is that it takes you right from the scratch, step by step, getting you through all the stages that you need when in need to install a new presser foot.

The tutorial not only shows you the specific, clear pictures for each important stage, but also gives you all the info you need until you actually get to change the presser foot.

It also gives you some tips on the most popular sewing machines and their secrets so you should definitely check whenever in need.

8. Quilting on a budget

Quilting on Budget

Quilting does imply using a lot of threads and fabrics and may become quite expensive if get lost in the variety of the materials.

Checking your bank account gives you the image of a cruel reality: you do spend too much for quilting. This doesn’t mean you should give on quilting, but you can learn few tricks to do a lot more with not that much money.

This next article comes free and it’s a win already. It’s full with plenty of helpful information, tricks and you only need to follow some of them to manage better your budget for quilting.

9. Best quilting tools for applique quilting

Whenever in the mood to read a story and get some info on what tools you need for your applique quilting, don’t hesitate to give it a go with the next article.

Take a deep breath and enjoy the reading (there is some reading indeed), while trying to get the most important ideas on the tools you need.

The article is pretty clear about the list of tools, but we do feel there’s a bit too much non-related info that makes you forget what you were really looking for in the first place J

10. The top 5 best sewing machine reviews

Best Sewing Machine for Beginners Reviewed

If witty comments and smart sense of humor do it for you, this next article sure helps you get fun and easy all the info you need when trying to find a good sewing machine for your very new hobby, sewing.

The article is nice and clear and includes clear images and precise information on its top 5. It’s not afraid to name the downsides on each of the model, but it does it in a funny, likeable way.

You do get a clear image on each of the included models and the fact that has some humor in it simply makes the understanding easier and nicer.

Click to see more resources


Amanda: I love to buy a lot of products for the home, and dissect them out. I split them into duds and winners, and share the findings here on my site. As a reader of my site, I'm aiming for your next purchase to be an informed and inspired one.
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