The Most Popular Changes To Make To Your Home Exterior This Year

When many people think about updating their home, their initial thoughts go to the interior. Yes, once you are in your home, what is inside is what you spend most of your time looking at. It is very unlikely that any guests that come to visit will spend an extended period of time looking at the outside of your home and so this can be something which is ignored. However, you will find that the exterior is much more important than you might think as this is what some people focus their attention on.

If you want to impress your neighbours and make sure that you get a good price for your home when you do eventually sell it, you will need to think carefully about the exterior of your home. Some people focus on the garden while others work on things like the roof. Updating the exterior of your home can be expensive but it can be worth it in a few years.

To help you with this, we have put together some of the most popular changes that you can make to your home exterior this year. This will include everything from adding a porch to your home to adding some solar panels to make it more energy efficient. Make sure to keep reading if you’d like to find out more.

Exterior Finishes

When you first invest in a home, you tend to ignore the exterior except when you are looking at how attractive it is. Depending on the kind of property that you are investing in and the age of the property, you might find that it has a different exterior finish than what you want. Some materials can look better than others but of course, everyone has their own style and preferences.

In an attempt to really make their homes stand out in the street, many people are making some big changes to their exterior of their home by changing the materials that are on there. Of course, there are some ways to change the exterior aesthetic without really spending a lot of money and many people choose to do this with paint. This can look good, but it is not something which will last in the long term.

Other ways to improve your exterior finish include replacing your pebbledash walls by adding some cladding. This is something which can look really great and take away the hardness of the pebbledash which is something which many people don’t enjoy. Other great ways to improve the exterior of your home include by making your bricks a little mismatched as this can look really great and add a more rustic appearance.

Make sure to have a closer look at the exterior finish on your home and see what you can do this year. If you are working with any of the walls in the home, you should make sure to get the help of a professional in order to avoid any serious risks.

A Porch

Many homes in the USA come with a porch that can be used for a variety of different things. Whether you are sitting out on your porch with your family in the evenings or having your guests use it as a shelter when they are visiting, it can come in very handy. Your porch is where you spend time reflecting and some people specifically look for homes that come with a porch. If your home doesn’t already have one in place, then you might find that you don’t sell it as easily as you think when the time comes.

Of course, many homes don’t have a porch and so are missing out on something which can look really great. Porches can come in a variety of sizes and can be simply on the front of the property or around the sides. When installing your porch, you should try to choose a material that is going to look great with your home and try to keep it up to date.

For those living in the warmer climates, it can be a good idea to put a net material over the porch and enclose it in the home. This means that you can sit comfortably on your porch in the evenings without having to deal with bugs and pests. With a mesh or a net material, you can still see out and enjoy the sun which is something which many people choose a porch for.

With the increase in porches in places like California, this could be something which you should consider for your home.

The Roof

One of the most expensive parts of your home that might need an upgrade is the roof. Many homes across the USA are taking steps to really adjust roofs and make sure that they are built to last. When you live somewhere that has extreme weather conditions and don’t have a stable roof, you are risking everything in your home as it might floor or collapse.

Of course, the roof is one of the most expensive projects that you can have done on your home as it is not an easy job. The labour that is required to get this job complete is expensive and this is why many people avoid having their roof replaced as they cannot afford it.

Some of the best reasons to have your roof replaced or fixed include improving the efficiency of the home or when they are converting the loft. Once you do get your roof replaced, you can be sure that it will last, and this is something which is important. Make sure to consider getting this upgrade and you will be happy that you can rely on your roof even when the weather conditions are bad.

Solar Panels

In 2019, many people are making changes to their homes in order to improve their energy efficiency. This is because of the increase in awareness of global warming and the carbon footprint of everyone who lives in the house. There are many ways to make your home more energy efficient and one of these things involves the exterior of your home – solar panels.

Solar panels are great because they can allow you to generate your own energy and not have to use the fossil fuels that are running out. Solar panels usually go on the roof of your home and so you will need to make sure that you have a stable one. While some people believe that solar panels are an eyesore, they can actually be very aesthetically pleasing if they come from the right company.

California is a hub for solar panels on the exterior of homes as there is so much sunlight there. In LA, you will find that the best solar company in Burbank is Semper Solaris who offer solar financing options Burbank wide. Solar installation Burbank is extremely effective, and you will have your solar panels up and running in no time at all.

The great thing about solar panels is that you don’t need an abundance of sun to get them to work but it does help. In many states, you will find that you can store extra energy that you generate in the summer for any days that it might be a little colder. If you are planning on choosing solar panels for the exterior of your home, make sure that you are choosing a company that can offer you a great service and excellent products.

Make sure to join the revolution and have solar panels installed in your home today.

The Windows

Another popular change to the exterior of homes that many homeowners are considering in 2019 is changing the windows. This doesn’t just have to involve the windows themselves, but it can also involve changing the size of the openings on the exterior and making them more attractive.

One of the most popular ways to change the windows in your home this year include making it look a little more contemporary. This can be done with metal framed windows and this is something which can be mirrored with the doors in the home.

When replacing your window frames, you should also consider replacing the windows themselves. While this can be an expensive project, it can come in handy when you are trying to make sure that no energy is escaping from your home. This will be both good for your bank account and your carbon footprint at the same time.

If you do plan to sell your home in the future, then you should consider replacing the windows as soon as possible. This will make it more valuable and more energy efficient overall.

The Garden

When referring to the exterior of your home, you also need to include the garden in this. The garden is a part of the home in itself and it can take a lot of work to look after, especially if you have a large property. Of course, there are ways to update your garden that can make it much easier to handle and ensure that you don’t need to spend hours every month making sure that it looks good.

Some of the things to consider include adding a patio that covers most of the grass in your garden. You can use this to have picnics and barbecues on and it is something which many homeowners are trying out instead of spending a lot of time working on their plants.

When considering the garden, you should also look at things like the garden path and the trees. Could your trees use a trim? Make sure to get in touch with a gardener who can do the job properly and you will be happy with these updates to the exterior of your home.

Curb Appeal

The final thing to make our list of the most popular changes that you can make to the exterior of your home this year is to adjust the curb appeal. If you have never heard of the curb appeal before then you should know that this is the first impression that people get when they visit your home. This can often involve the steps up to your home, your porch and the front door.

If you have an older looking front door then your curb appeal might not be as great as you would like. A good way to get around this is to replace the front door with a more modern version. When doing this, you can also paint the steps or add a ramp if you want to make your home more accessible.

Other things to consider when looking at the curb appeal include adding some plants, a new mailbox and more. You can find plenty of guidance online about how to improve your curb appeal so make sure to have a look at this.

Final Verdict

If you typically spend all of your money on the interior of your home, then now might be time to give the exterior some TLC. This is something that can come in handy when it comes time to sell your home and you want to get the highest possible price for the property. Making some small changes to the exterior by yourself and splashing out for the larger updates can really make a difference to your home.

Some of the most popular changes that you can make to your exterior include adding some solar panels, updating the curb appeal and giving the roof the attention that it needs. Not only can these things make your home look more attractive, but they can also make your home safer and more sustainable in the future.

If you are planning on making some changes then make sure to take on board all of the advice that we have given you here in this article. Soon, you’ll have a beautiful exterior to your home, and you won’t need to think about it again for a few years.


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