The Benefits Of Aluminium Over Wood Or PVC For Window And Door Frames

Considering new windows for your home – well here is why you need to look at aluminium windows as your first option.

Aluminium Is Strong And Lightweight

Even though aluminium is lightweight, it also is extremely strong. Thanks to its strength, aluminium frames for sliding windows and doors, bifold doors, and other types of windows are extremely slim. Since this leaves more of the glass exposed, it allows extra light into the space. Search aluminium windows Scotland.

Even though the frames are thin, they are still quite strong. Aluminium not only resists twisting and flexing but also experiences very little expansion or contraction as a result of temperature changes. Since aluminium is so strong, it is commonly used for making bifold doors for bay windows or corner posts. Materials like PVC and wood lack the strength for these types of applications.

Timber window frames are constructed out of multiple pieces of wood that have been attached to one another using polyurethane glue. The strength of these windows can vary, depending on the level of moisture in the wood, the amount of sun exposure that the window receives, and other issues. For instance, wood windows can warp if they are exposed to high levels of moisture. Too much sunlight can result in gasket leaks, negatively impacting the window’s thermal efficiency.

Doors that are made out of UPVC offer about the same amount of strength as wooden doors. Much like timber, UPVC is prone to warping when exposed to severe weather. Applications that call for large UPVC frames can be problematic. Expansion and contraction due to temperature changes can make doors like these challenging to close, open, or fold.

Durability And Lifespan

Aluminium does an excellent job of standing up to the weather. From an appearance standpoint, a variety of different finishes can be used. It can even be made to look like wood. Finishes like these are durable enough to last for 2 to 3 decades. With this option, you get the beauty of wood without all of the upkeep requirements. UPVC typically lasts about 15 to 20 years. Exposure to the elements, however, can detract from its appearance, making it look worn after just four or five years. Aluminium resists warping and won’t rot. Thanks to its superior strength-to-weight ratio, it is also unlikely to become dented.

Low Maintenance Requirements

In terms of maintenance, windows and doors that are made out of aluminium require far less upkeep than similar doors made out of UPVC or wood. In terms of maintenance, the frames just need to be cleaned periodically with a damp rag. The window or door tracks should also be vacuumed out every so often to remove any pebbles or other objects that could interfere with the sliding motion. With powder-coated aluminium doors and windows, you don’t have to worry about warping, rotting, corrosion, or discolouration. They also won’t fade when exposed to UV light. Unlike wooden frames, you don’t have to worry about repainting them.

Wooden doors require the most maintenance. If they are placed in an area where they are exposed to the sun, they can quickly take on a weathered appearance. Doors or window frames like these typically need to be painted every 2 to 3 years to look their best. Sealing the wood is also essential to keep moisture from getting in and causing rot or warping.

UPVC windows and doors require a lot less maintenance than wood. From an appearance standpoint, however, they tend to show their age a lot faster than aluminium. Unlike wood, UPVC can’t be painted to refresh its appearance, which means that there is little that can be done once it starts to look old and worn.

Thermal Efficiency

Different types of glass can affect the thermal efficiency of doors and windows, regardless of the materials used to construct the frames. At the same time, however, the frame materials do play a role in determining how efficient windows are.

Since aluminium doesn’t act as an insulator, it is sometimes viewed as a poor choice for window and door frames in terms of its thermal efficiency. As it turns out, however, many bifold doors that are made with aluminium have a polyamide thermal break. Essentially, this means that the frame is separated into both exterior and interior pieces. It is joined together using a nonconductive material that is resistant to thermal transfer from outside the property into the living area. Breaks like these dramatically improve the thermal efficiency of aluminium doors and windows.

The U value of wood doors falls into the typical range. When temperatures drop, however, the wood can contract. This can create small openings between the door and the surrounding seals, allowing cold drafts to enter the property. The thermal efficiency offered by UPVC is usually the lowest out of all of the materials.

Attractive Appearance

People often choose their doors and windows based on their appearance. Stylistically speaking, the materials can dramatically affect how the windows and doors look.

Frames that are made out of aluminium can easily be powder coated. With this process, a powder that doesn’t contain any solvents is applied to the aluminium in a high-temperature environment. This creates a finish that is both attractive and durable. There are more than 150 RAL colors available. You can also choose more elaborate options such as wood grain or metallic finishes. You can even have the inside and outside of the window frame powder coated with different finishes, making it easy to match the windows to your decorating style, both inside and outside your home.

Since aluminium is so strong, the frames are usually quite narrow. This creates a wider expanse of glass, ensuring that the view from your home is not interrupted by a thick, bulky window frame.

In terms of style, a lot of people prefer the look of wood for window and door frames. This is especially true in historic homes. With many different finishes and stain colors available, it is easy to blend these frames in with other woodwork in the home. Compared to powder-coated finishes, however, wood is much more likely to deteriorate. It also requires ongoing maintenance to keep it looking its best.

UPVC is the worst choice when it comes to its appearance. Even though window and door frames that are made out of this material do offer some advantages, they tend to look a little bit cheap. This is particularly true when they are installed in historic properties. The frames are much wider than similar frames made out of aluminium, meaning that they can block the view. While there are different colours of UPVC windows and doors on the market, the most typical colours that are sold include black, white, grey, and woodgrain.

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