Prepare Your Home for the Cold Weather With These Fall Cleaning Projects

Most of us are used to doing a thorough cleaning of the house during springtime, hence the term ‘spring cleaning’. Although giving your house a full scrub-down is a most welcome activity at the beginning of warm weather, it’s also a good idea to clean the home at the onset of cold weather as well.

Cleaning your house during the fall is not without good reason: you’ll be spending a lot more time indoors during the cold months, and it’s much easier to enjoy the cold climate if all you have to do is stay warm and toasty.

With that being said, here are a few cleaning projects you can take on for fall.


Outdoor Cleaning Projects

Perhaps the most important thing to take care of during the fall season are the things you have outside. Seeing as you’ll be spending most of your time indoors, you might want to make sure that all of the things you weren’t able to take inside the house are still usable come springtime.

Start by getting rid of any dirt and debris in your gutters to prevent any damage during winter. Conduct an inspection of your roofing to reduce the risk of hail damage. If you have any outdoor faucets or garden hoses, make sure to drain them of any water to prevent them from cracking when the water freezes in winter. Inspect for any possible signs of wear and tear on your flooring and entryways.

If you have a garage or shed, you may want to consider tidying them up as well. Cleaning them is a great way to prepare not only for the cold season, but also for springtime as well since you won’t have a tough time taking out items you need if they’re all organized.


Indoor Cleaning Projects

Now that the outside of the home is all taken care of, you’ll want to take on the stuff inside the house. If you want to keep crystal clear windows during winter, make sure to clean them on both sides and use defogger if needed. Take down your warm weather curtains and switch them out for insulated thermal curtains to keep the warmth in during the cold season.

Since you’ll be spending more time indoors, make sure to clean your light fixtures as well. This should help bring in the holiday spirit by keeping everything well-lit.

If you will be doing a lot of cooking and baking during the holidays, make sure to prepare your kitchen as well. Start by doing a deep clean of all your kitchen appliances like your refrigerator, oven, and even your microwave and coffee maker; don’t forget to pull them away from the wall and clean the space at the back. Then reorganize your kitchen to make it easier for you to move around in.


Unlike spring cleaning, cleaning during the fall is more about taking preventive measures to ensure that everything you own will still work by the time warm weather melts the snow. Taking on the suggested cleaning projects above should ensure that all your stuff will still be in working condition come springtime.

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