Modular sectionals – the modern day conversation pit

Have you heard of modular sectionals? The modular sofa has become all the rage and harkens back to the conversation pits of the 70s. People are spending more time at home and in smaller, more intimate groups, making a cozy place for relaxation, board games, and conversation a necessary area of any home. But modular sofas are better than conversation pits because they can be arranged and rearranged on a whim.

Here are some more tidbits that will make you consider a modular sectional.

Multiple options for seat sized pieces

Modular sofas come in individual seats that can be placed together in almost any configuration. You can choose from corner pieces, straight pieces, curved pieces, or chaise options. You can order any variation of variety of these cubes within a collection. Then, you can move those pieces around as desired for different occasions, purposes, and groups.

Incredible versatility

Modular sectionals give you the ability to rearrange your sofa any way you wish as your needs change. If you host parties or gatherings on regular basis for different purposes, it can be beneficial to separate the seating, even into two separate sofas. If you need to free up some space in the room, the fact that they are individual pieces allows you to move them easily and store them temporarily in another room, closet, attic, or basement.

Combine with coffee table for gaming

Dungeons and Dragons, card games, board games, and a variety of other entertainment have become increasingly popular as people make an effort to step away from screens and embrace spending time with their friends and family. A coffee table of the right size can be placed in the center of a square or U-shaped sectional.

Consider adding a console table

Putting the modular sectional in the center of the room rather than against a wall(s) opens up the space a bit more, and helps keep the sectional from making the space seem cramped. If you are including a cocktail table for gaming and snack space, consider a console table placed behind the sectional as well. This gives your guests a place to put their drinks and food away from the games. You can find great options at https://www.1stopbedrooms.com/living/living-room-furniture/sectionals sectional sofa.

Features not included in modular sofas

Before you decide that you are going to get a modular sectional for your home, make sure that you are okay with the features you don’t have purchasing a sectional by piece. For example, you may not be able to get a modular sofa that includes a cube for built-in storage or cup holders, as these are more easily found among traditional sectionals.

Also keep in mind that, while the modular sectional will be comfortable, you won’t really be able to use it as a sleeping space. Because it comes in pieces, there isn’t a fold-out bed. If you get a chaise piece you could make it up as a bed in a pinch.

Style your modular sectional with the other furnishings

Even if the modular sectional is different from other sofas, it doesn’t require particular principles to style it with other furnishings.

Coffee tables& storage

If the rug goes beyond the sectional, you need a coffee table placed within its boundaries. Pick one that is large enough so that everyone sitting on the sofa can use the table.

Don’t forget about the side tables—one or two will be fine. You can place the coffee table as the centerpiece in front of the sectional with side tables on both the right and left arm. As for storage, look for a coffee table with drawers or a storage ottoman.


When you select the rug to use together with the modular sectional, look for a big rug. Actually, the bigger the rug, the better. The rug should go beyond the boundaries of your sectionals so that the room doesn’t feel cramped. If you have a small rug that you fancy a lot and want to include in the décor, you should layer it on top of a large rug made with natural fibers.


Use pillows to decorate the sofa on the left, right, and center. Look for large pillows that can balance the sofa’s size. Begin with pillows in a solid neutral color and layer on smaller ones of various patterns, textures, and colors. For the best visual effect, you should mix and match.

Other furnishings

If you have a recliner, armchair, or loveseat in your living room, they will affect how you can style the modular sectional. It would help if you spent time thinking about how much furniture you will need in the room and where you want it to place, without losing the traffic flow.

Some people only have the modular sectionals for seating and no other seating options as well. If your budget is generous and you’re about to buy new furniture, we recommend you buy another piece of modular sectional and not purchase additional seating.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are modular sectionals?

The modular sectional is made to be rearranged, reconfigured, and moved around. The individual pieces of the modular sectionals come with backs and arms that are the same height, whereas the ottomans are as tall as the seats. This way, it’s easy to shuffle them around without affecting the fitting or the comfort.

Are all sectionals modular?

The sectional sofa typically includes a sofa/love seat and a chaise. They commonly come in an L-shape and can be placed around a corner. Even if modular sofas are seen as sectional sofas, not all sectional sofas can be defined as modular sofas.

How do you keep the modular couch together?

You can find plastic cable ties in home improvement and hardware stores. You may attach the ties to the back and front feet of the sofa so that the sections don’t get separated. For dark furniture, we recommend you pick black cable ties as they’re subtle.

What’s the best way to clean the modular sectionals?

Use a hand vacuum or the brush attachment on your vacuum to remove dirt and debris from the sofa surface. Make sure to clean the crevices where food crumbs, pet hair, and grime collect the most. If possible, you should use the pillows and vacuum both sides.

Is it possible to rearrange the sectional couch?

One of the reasons why you opt for a sectional is the possibility to rearrange it as wanted. But it doesn’t mean that you can only mix the sectionals. You may also place several items in the middle of the two sections, such as a side table. Press them together for a better appearance.


Amanda: I love to buy a lot of products for the home, and dissect them out. I split them into duds and winners, and share the findings here on my site. As a reader of my site, I'm aiming for your next purchase to be an informed and inspired one.
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