How to keep air mattress from deflating


Are you a camping enthusiast? Do you spend nights out every quite often? Do you maintain a migratory lifestyle? Are you constantly changing your location every quite often? Did I hear you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions?

Well, you will certainly require an inflatable mattress. This is a special kind of mattress which has no fabric fillings. Instead, it requires you to pump in air to make it sturdy enough to accommodate your weight.

Unlike the ordinary mattresses, it is prone to lose its strength and support capability. This stems from the fact that it loses some air when lied on or utilized. Since you do not want to keep inflating it every quite often, you certainly want it to maintain with its stature and support for an extended duration of time.

We are well too aware of these. That is why we have gladly and voluntarily stepped in to provide the necessary guidance. We have researched and are going to lay bare ten hot tips on how to keep air mattress from deflating.


To follow this tutorial, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Keen attention
  • Patience
  • Open mind
  • Independent verifications of the facts stated

PS: Please pay a visit to “Hiking Camping Guide” to get to know about things to consider buying air mattresses.


The following are the hot tips that will keep your mattress from deflating:

Tip I: Fold with Care

While not using these mattresses, you will certainly have to fold them. This is certainly to reduce their sizes for the sake of convenient storage. While at it, be sure to do so with care. Do not just cramp the mattress haphazardly.

Instead, exercise great caution and care. Fold it along the seams to minimize tears. Do it so slowly as to prevent making mistakes.

Most importantly, follow the manufacturer’s manual in doing so. Each manufacturer understands his products better. They are therefore better placed at offering guidance on how their products ought to be used.

Tip II: Keep the Room Temperature Nearly Constant

As stated, these mattresses inflate or gain their strength from the air. Air, as we know expand when heated and contract when cooled. This being the case, the mattresses shall normally increase in size when hot and decrease when cold. If these fluctuations in size occur rapidly, they may inflict tears on the fabric that makes the mattress’ outer layer.

To forestall this, you should, therefore, see to it that you keep the temperature of the room wherein you intend to use the mattress nearly constant. If you plan to use it outdoors, you should inflate it moments before use and deflate it immediately after use.

Tip III: Maintain the Room at Moderate Temperatures

Apart from keeping the temperature fluctuations to an absolute minimum, you also have to maintain them at moderate levels. Most inflatable mattresses are designed to operate optimally at standard room temperatures and pressure. These are 20 °C (293.15 K/68 °F) and (14.696 psi/101.325 kPa).

When you subject these mattresses to temperatures and pressures below these two thresholds for too long, they will often contract and lose their tenacity. As such, they will not offer the needed support. On the flipside, if you subject them to a higher temperature and pressure levels, they may stretch and overwhelm the fabrics to the extent of tearing them apart. This may lead to premature damage or obsolescence.

Tip IV: Lie Flat

It is necessary that you distribute the weight of the mattress evenly on the mattress. This is to prevent portions of the mattress from bearing excessive weight and wearing faster than the remaining portions. This can only happen if you lie flat and spread out evenly.

You should also make a deliberate effort to change positions each day. This simply means that if you happen to lie at the center of the mattress today, lie at the right side tomorrow, and the left side tomorrow but one. This will also go a long way in seeing to it that each portion of the mattress is equally impacted.

Tip V: Utilize the Mattress Moderately

As stated in the introductory segment above, these are no ordinary mattresses. They are not designed for everyday use. They are mainly suited for camping and other outdoor activates. This being the case, you have to see to it that you use it moderately.

Do not sit or lie on it for too long. Doing so will accelerate the pace of wear and tear. Instead, sit or lie on it for the shortest realistic time possible. This should preferably be for only the duration of time when you absolutely have to.

Tip VI: Prefer Higher Elevations to Lower Ones

Elevation, or the height at which these mattresses are used also determine the pace at which they wear out. At higher elevations, the atmospheric pressure is less than at lower elevations. For this reason, the pressure of the mattresses dissipates slower at such high elevations than at lower elevations.

Because of this, you definitely want to use these mattresses at the highest elevations possible. These could include hilltops, higher building floors, and patios that are located atop buildings.

Tip VII: Seal the Nozzle Tightly all the Time

In most cases, air does seep out of the mattresses through the nozzles rather than via perforations that form part of the mattress fabrics itself. This mainly stems from the fact that the nozzles may not be tightly sealed. This leaves out some loopholes through which the air subsequently seeps out.

You certainly want to prevent this from happening. This is why you just have to be sure that you seal the nozzle tightly after inflating the mattress. Do the same moments before you lie on the mattress just to be sure of yourself.

Tip VIII: Be Mindful of the Maximum Weight Capacity of the Mattress

Different mattresses are designed for different users. In light of this, they have distinct weight capacities. If the stipulated weight capacity is exceeded, the mattress will often discharge the air at a faster rate. They may often burst if the weight exerted on them is way too excessive.

You should, therefore, be mindful of the weight capacity of your mattress. While shopping for the right mattress, ascertain the weights of those who will most likely use it. Be sure that the mattress you settle on is able to accommodate the heaviest person.

Tip IX: Deflate it while Not in Use

You are advised to deflate the mattress whenever you are no longer using it. The logic that underlies this is pretty simple. The air pressure exerts some stress on the fabric that makes up the mattress’ exterior. Keeping the pressure high for too long may weaken the fabrics. It is by deflating the mattress while not using them that wards off this build-up of pressure. You will also get to extend the lifespan of your mattress by doing so on a regular basis.

Tip X: Tidy your Room and Keep off Prickly Objects

Some of the most common causes of deflated mattresses are sharp and prickly objects. These could be pins, nails, razor blades, knives, and forks. You definitely want to keep these sharp objects away from your mattress. That is why you have to inspect and tidy the room where you plan to place the inflatable mattress.

While doing so, pay particular attention to the sharp objects mentioned above. It is worth noting that you also have to keep your kids away from the mattress especially when you have already inflated it. They are more likely to use these sharp objects on the mattress.


Did you enjoy the tutorial? We certainly hope you did. We are indeed pretty confident that the guidance we have furnished above will do you good. These tips are indeed reliable owing to the fact that they have been tried and tested.

We now invite you to tell us what you feel about the tips above. Be candid and straightforward to let us know which adjustments, if any, we may have to implement. Given that you would want others to enjoy similar advantages, we ask you also to consider sharing it with them.

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