How to Install Your Garage Door

You are considering replacing your old garage door, because it has become old or it has failed. New garage doors are safer and easier to install and operate. All you will require is someone to help you, the right tools and the door parts. These simple steps will guide you in installing your garage door accurately and professionally.

  1. Read all the instruction manuals before you attempt any installation. This will give you a clue on the steps to take and all the tools and parts that you will be using. Ensure that you have all the door parts and tools ready as per the instructions. You should organize the parts in the order you going to use and understand where each part will be used.
  2. Remove the old door parts carefully and safely to avoid injuring yourself. You can call a professional to help you out with removing the tough old parts. Make sure you have removed all the old parts and do not use them on the new door.
  3. Place the new door panel on a supporting bar to avoid damaging it while you organize the hardware on the door. Drill pilot holes, and secure the bar with screws. Fasten hinges at the top each panel and fix the axle supports to the bottom and the top panel.
  4. Install the bottom panel on the door entrance. Hold the panel straight and make sure it’s on the level and then drive a nail into the wall next to the panel to hold it in place. Fasten the second panel above the first one. Repeat the procedure to install all the door panels, to make a complete garage door.
  5. Install the rollers and the tracks as instructed by the manufacturer. Mount bottom and upper roller tracks and ensure they are on one level with each other.
  6. Install the torsion spring and bars, and mount it on the locking cone. The locking cones prevents the spring from loosening when it is under high pressure. Carefully follow the manufacturer’s directions to install it appropriately.
  7. Install the pulleys and the cable. Attach the pulleys to end of each torsion rod. Pass the cable up from underneath, and roll it to the pulley wheel on each side.
  8. Use your drill, to tighten the torsion springs. Paint a thin line across the spring, to help you count the number of times you turn the spring when tightening it. Check the manual to know how many times you should turn the spring and confirm how many turns you have made with the paint line. Apply garage door lubricant to the springs.

Attach the pliers to the bar to prevent it from rotating while you are fastening the springs. You can remove the pliers from the rod and tighten it using bolts when you reach the suitable stiffness.

You should check all the nuts, bolts on the rollers and rails regularly, to ensure they are always fastened. Use a special garage door lubricant on rollers and springs for the proper and smooth running of the door.

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