How to Increase Storage Space in Your Garden

What’s not to love about gardening? You get to spend time surrounded by nature, you get to see life flourishing before your eyes, and you can even grow your own food. The only thing we don’t love about gardening is all the clutter it generates. Here are some simple ideas for enabling you to store it all more easily.

Declutter Your Shed

Your shed is probably where most of your gardening tools and equipment are kept so it makes sense to start here. Before you go out and start spending money on additional storage, you should first make sure that you are using the space that you already have as efficiently as possible; you might be surprised by how much you can actually fit in a space that you thought was full.

Start by throwing out anything that is old or broken. Don’t hang on to things just out of sentimentality. If you have tools or equipment that are too good to throw out, but which you rarely use, selling them online should be easy enough and will enable you to recoup some of your losses.

Consider a Steel Building

If you need to store a lot of high-value expensive equipment, like a top of the line lawnmower, for example, then you might want to think about something a little more sturdy and secure than the standard garden shed. Steel buildings are perfect for this kind of thing, and they don’t cost an outrageous price either.

If you are unfamiliar with steel buildings, check out the Armstrong Steel website. Not only do they sell steel buildings, but they also have a really great guide to steel buildings that does an excellent job of explaining their benefits. Hover your mouse over the ‘Photos & More’ menu at the top, then click on ‘Why a Steel Building?’

Use the Vertical Space

This is something else to consider when you are storing items. Lots of people make the mistake, especially in rooms that don’t already have shelves in them, of simply piling items up on the floor. Sure, there are plenty of things that can easily be stacked, but only if they are in a box or happen to be the right shape.

By adding some shelves to your shed, or even using hooks, you can massively increase the amount of storage space that’s available to you. You can store most of your garden implements most effectively by using hooks to hang them. You could even put a trellis up on the wall and then find a way of attaching your tools to it securely.

Use Clear Plastic Containers

This is especially useful for smaller items. By using a clear plastic container, you ensure that it’s easy to see what is inside the container and you are also able to stack them up on top of each other much more easily. In some cases, putting an item inside a container might seem pointless, but the fact that you can then stack it with other containers makes it a stroke of genius.

Once you start thinking about how to use the space available to you more creatively, you will probably find several methods of your own for maximizing it. If you are going to be storing anything expensive, we would recommend that you look at getting a small steel building, which can offer more security than a wooden shed.

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