How to Improve the Look of Your Garden With Ornaments & Statues?

Are you planning to enhance your garden décor? Many homeowners neglect the look and condition of their landscape due to the lack of time to make the necessary improvements.

Nevertheless, a nice-looking yard would not only improve your curb appeal but provide an oasis for your family to relax or host dinner parties. A unique landscape look can be achieved by paying attention to the smallest of details, such as choosing the right ornaments, plants, statues, and lighting. Each decorative element plays a crucial role in creating a calming, romantic, mysterious atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

The following tips will assist you in improving the décor of your garden with ornaments and statues.

Clean up

The initial step of your journey towards enhancing the décor of your garden is cleaning up. Despite your eagerness to start decorating, you should start by getting rid of the mess in your yard. The outdoor space of most homeowners is piled up with old flower pots, scattered seed bags, damaged furniture, a myriad of gardening tools, etc.

Apart from eliminating all of the clutter, you’re also supposed to remove the piles of leaves and decayed plants. Make sure you use the right tools in order not to spend the entire day on these tasks. For instance, leaf blowers and vacuums are incredibly useful in the removal of dead leaves, enabling homeowners to clean the yard in no more than a few hours. Go to the following link, https://www.thespruce.com/how-to-use-leaf-blower-vacs-2132795, to check out some handy tips about using a leaf blower or vacuum.

Decorate the entrance

Most homeowners take no notice of their garden entrance, even though it’s the first thing guests see prior to entering the yard. Think of it as the entrance to your magical oasis, which is supposed to mark the way for visitors. Make sure you frame the gate in a way it creates a mysterious atmosphere by planting climbing vines or flowers. Iron arches and gates are most commonly used in gardens as they add a feeling of cosiness and mysticism.

Moreover, palms and citrus trees are an attractive solution for individuals who wish to accent the entrance even further. Instead of investing in a new gate, make sure you replace the dated hardware and refresh its paint. Keep in mind that a modern door isn’t likely to fit in with the overall garden décor.

Choose the right lighting

Lighting is of tremendous importance for enjoying a relaxing evening in your yard, as gardens are known to be the most romantic once the sun goes down. However, in order to create an ideally romantic atmosphere, you’re supposed to make the best choice of lights and place them in the right spots. For instance, string lighting creates a festive atmosphere, which is why most homeowners place it over the dining table when hosting dinner parties.

Nevertheless, the main focus should be placed on selecting the perfect light fixtures to create a unique appearance. For example, you can light up the pathway with the help of electric lights, whereas LED lighting is for edging stairways. Additionally, lanterns are the most exquisite fixtures to place on trees, along with some spotlights to access the bushes.

In terms of lighting colours, make sure you opt for either white or blue tones, as these are the most neutral-looking. On the contrary, choosing a bunch of lights in various colours will create a Christmas atmosphere, which isn’t appropriate all-year-round.

Add ornaments

Apart from lighting, another way to improve the look of your garden is by adding a variety of ornaments. Nowadays, there is a multitude of great looking ornaments for your yard online, made from long-lasting, recycled materials. Adding some wind chimes, clocks, or a birdhouse can really complement the overall landscape décor. Most of these ornaments are inexpensive to purchase or make by employing your DIY skills.

Moreover, water fountains are an irresistible decorative element in plenty of gardens. The soothing sound of water promotes a feeling of serenity and appeals to all visitors. Additionally, you can use some unique plants as ornaments, which are either oddly shaped or bicolored. For instance, the bird of paradise, crown imperial, sundew, amorphophallus, and the silk tree are solely a few distinctive flowers in the extensive range of quirky plants.

In addition, homeowners whose gardens include patio furniture can add rugs, cushions, drink coasters, candles, and other decorative elements. Besides enhancing your landscape décor, these ornaments contribute to everyone’s comfort.

Add furniture

Another way of improving the décor of one’s garden is by adding some pieces of furniture in the form of benches, coffee tables, a dining table, and chairs. It’s paramount for the furnishings you choose to blend in with the overall landscape look.

Furthermore, homeowners who spend a considerable amount of time in their yards are advised to invest in cozy chairs. Also, make sure the furniture you choose is waterproof and rust-resistant to prevent damage from the weather elements.

Add statues

Statues are probably the most sophisticated decorative elements to complement your landscape design. In order for these ornaments to serve their decorative function, you’re supposed to find the ideal spot to place them. For example, placing a statue in the middle of the bushes creates a unique appearance, as these plants soften the sharp edges of sculptures.

In most gardens, statues represent the focal point of the landscape, placed in the center of one’s outdoor space. This type of placement is ideal for homeowners who wish the statue to appeal to visitors from the moment they set foot in the garden.

Additionally, large statues are best placed in the corners of one’s yard, as people don’t expect to find such decorative elements in these rarely used spaces. Instead of a single large sculpture, homeowners can also use a collection of small-sized statues to achieve the same effect. However, the size of the figures is supposed to be adjusted to the overall size of the garden. Consequently, smaller statues look better in small-sized yards, whereas large statues are better suited for spacious yards.

Moreover, garden sculptures look extraordinary around pools, especially in the shape of animals. Make sure you take the size of the pool into account when calculating the size of these decorative elements. Anyhow, it’s vital not to overcrowd the landscape with too many statues, as you’ll make the outdoor space less inviting.

Final word

Decorating your yard might be an inexpensive project.

Make sure you pay maximum attention to selecting the details, as these are crucial for creating a pleasant atmosphere!



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