DIY Home Maintenance: 4 Repairs You Can Do On Your Own

Replacing A Circuit Breaker

Property maintenance and repairs are fundamental for all homeowners. These ongoing chores and projects are essential in keeping property value intact over the years while increasing value. But beyond that, it’s also vital in avoiding potentially hefty repair costs that stem from maintenance neglect.

Although with this, maintenance and repair service costs add up, and many homeowners search for methods of keeping their assets in good condition without spending so much. As a result, DIY maintenance and repairs are a pretty popular approach.

However, there are still some chores and projects in this category that should be left to professional services. So, we’ve listed a few property repair tasks you can do on your own.

Replacing A Circuit Breaker

Most electrical jobs around the home should be left to professional electrician services as these tasks can be dangerous. Nevertheless, there are some that you can do beyond changing broken light bulbs and replacing wall plug covers.

Replacing a circuit breaker is relatively straightforward if you follow a step-by-step guide and have the right tools. You will also need replacement electrical breakers.

Fixing A Running Toilet

A running toilet is exceptionally annoying. Unfortunately, this issue won’t just cause sound irritation, as you’ll also notice your water bill skyrocket. Luckily it’s pretty simple to fix a running toilet.

More often than not, you will only need to lift the lid and tighten the levy attached to the water leveler. If this component is slightly loose or damaged, the system won’t register that the tank is full, and it will simply keep overflowing into the bowl. You might need to replace the levy or the leveler in other cases.

Leaking Faucets

A leaky faucet is enough to have anyone tossing and turning at night in irritation. Fortunately, it’s also relatively easy to fix a dripping tap if you have the right tools; an adjustable spanner and a replacement washer or O-ring.

If the handle of the tap is leaking, you’ll need to replace the O-ring. On the other hand, the washer needs to be replaced if the spout leaks. Before you get started, remember to turn off the water.

Patching Up Wall Cracks

If the walls of your home have surface cracks, you can quickly patch these up with a bit of a filler. It’s also essential to repaint after filling cracks.

That said, be sure only to fill surface cracks. Wall cracks that are deeper need to be assessed by a professional. In some cases, deeper wall cracks can signal structural concerns.

DIY repairs can save you substantially on property maintenance costs. That said, as you develop and fine-tune your DIY skills, you’ll find a lot more types of repair tasks become possible. For example, you might find that DIY roof repair seems more achievable when you’ve invested in the right tools and developed the essential skills for the job. Even so, it’s best to rely on professional services when in doubt.

About Amanda

I love to buy a lot of products for the home, and dissect them out. I split them into duds and winners, and share the findings here on my site. As a reader of my site, I'm aiming for your next purchase to be an informed and inspired one.

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