De-Winterize Your Home the Right Way

During the winter season, you may decide to be away from your home due to various reasons. It is necessary to take up some measures that ensure the functionality of your home after the chilly season passes. One of this measure may be winterizing.

When you winterize your home, you leave it empty for the cold months. In essence, this means that you have to de-winterize it to when you return to occupy. Of course, the process involves reversing whatever actions you took to winterize. For starters, this is how you can winterize your home;

  • Shut off the water and drain pipes to prevent freezing
  • Disconnect flexible supply tubes. For your dishwashers, toilets, sinks, washing machines and a host of other supplies
  • Unplug your appliances
  • Program your alarm systems and thermostats
  • Drain the water
  • Forward or cancel mail service

You can also use professionals to perform the de-winterizing process. They make the process smoother as they have a list of what was done; hence backtrack on what they did before. You can always choose to carry out the process on your own there is no harm in that. However, many lack adequate tips and tricks on how to make the practice trouble-free.

With that in mind, here’s how to de-winterize your home;

Check Your Sump Pump

Inspect your sump pump to make sure that it is operating correctly. Turn it on to see if it’s still serving your drain tile and pit system. If you don’t have a sump pump yet, you should consider investing in one. It is essential to note that melting snow and or spring rains can flood your basement and cause damage.

If you’re looking to install a sump pump or replace the existing one, consider sump pumps from Liberty. Indeed, you want something reliable and wields enough power for your needs.

Turn on Electrical Circuits

Sure, you don’t have to turn off the entire electrical system to winterize your home. In most cases, you’re better of leaving essential circuits running. Such as the one connecting to your furnace. Go to your main panel and check of all circuit breakers. Be sure to turn on any circuit breaker that you switched off. You will need all your equipment running and functioning as needed. All light fixtures must be operating to get your plumbing system working again.

Connect Water Pipes and Supply Tubes

Inspect your plumbing fixtures systematically. Reconnect the flex tubes to the appliance inlet and shut off valves. Industry experts recommend that you do this room by room. Check your sinks, showers, tubs, toilets, and any other appliances that use water.

Use a wrench or channel lock pliers to re-secure every flex tube back to their original fixtures. Note – avoid turning on fixture shutoff yet until you ensure they’re still shut off.

Remember to inspect your water softener, heater, and any other appliance. This makes sure that water is running through the systems.

Turn on your Main Water Supply

You can now turn on the main water supply slowly. The valve is at the main entrance pipe that delivers water to your home. You should turn off the valve of any utility sink close to the main. Open the faucet instead, as you allow the water to run off through the pipes. The idea to enable air trapped inside the system to escape.

When you access the taps let the water runoff for a while before utilizing. Most times the water may be dirty from the long-abandoned pipes.

Open the Water Heater, Boiler, and Softener Valves

Now that you’ve opened the main water supply halfway, check every plumbing fixture in your home. Turn each shutoff valve, and open the valve. Air will most likely come off the faucet, followed by loud, vigorous splashing. Shut off your faucet after the water runs steady and clear. Remember to inspect the fixture shutoff of any leaks. Tighten all joints to prevent leaks and seeps.

Check Exterior Spigot Faucets

You can de-winterize your freeze-proof faucets. So, make sure that you check any exterior spigot. Open and close it while keeping an eye on leaks. Watch out for low pressure, as this may be a sign of leaks in the stub-out pipe extending from the inside of your home. You may have to enter your crawlspace or inspect your basement to check this out.

Double Check your Plumbing Fixtures

The final step of restoring your plumbing system involves going back to every room. Recheck each plumbing fixtures and appliances. That way, you be can rest assured that everything is working. It can help you detect leaks that you might have missed out.

Plugging your Lamps and Appliances

Winterizing your home also involves unplugging most of the lamps and appliances. Thus, you must, reverse the process. Plug those essentials back in the outlets to provide illumination. Ensure the appliances are functioning after plugging.

Turn on the Gas

In most cases, you’re better off turning the gas at the main valve if you live in an area where you don’t need winter heating. Turn on this valve to restore gas supply in your house. In cold climates, where the gas furnace is a necessity, consider leaving your gas running low to prevent freezing. Still, you’ll have to open all the valves if you closed them.

Other winterizing activities include lighting stand pilots, checking roof gutters, and reprogramming your thermostat as well as your alarm system.


The de-winterizing process is imperative. It is also welcome since you can check for any damages that may have occurred during winter. During the procedure, repairs or renovations may be carried out. It allows you to get ready for the next season by getting rid of amendments that may be avoidable.

On top of everything, it gives you peace of mind when settling back to your home, as you are assured that all the elements in it work, as they should. If the process gets too complicated, seek professional help. Nevertheless, if you follow the guidelines given here, you should be well on track in de-winterizing your home.

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