5 Clever Tips to Help You Organize a Studio Apartment

Living in a studio apartment comes with its fair share of challenges. When space is limited, getting organized often seems like an impossible task.

But the less space you have, the more critical it is to be organized.

And if you’re looking to be more productive this year, getting organized needs to be at the top of your to-do list.

Keep reading for our top five studio organization tips for a more productive 2020!

1. Get Clutter Under Control

The best way to be unproductive is to waste time looking for the things you need. If you want to get a lot of stuff done, you have to organize things in a way that will make it easier to find what you need when you need it.

And you can’t organize clutter.

Put yourself on a path to productivity by decluttering your entire apartment. With only one room to tackle, it shouldn’t be too hard!

When we say declutter, we don’t just mean just getting rid of the excess things that you can see. You need to go through every cabinet and every closet and really assess your belongings.

Remember, just because something is hidden out of sight doesn’t mean that it’s worth keeping.

The best way to declutter is to create three piles: keep, donate, and toss.

Go item by item and decide which pile it belongs in.

  • If you love it and use it, keep it.
  • If it’s in good condition but you can live without it, donate it.
  • If it’s damaged or stained, it belongs in the trash.

2. Invest in Storage Solutions

The smaller your apartment, the more important it is to make use of vertical space. Take advantage of the height of your ceilings by mounting wall shelves as high as you can. Make use of the space above your headboard, over the toilet, and over your couch.

Invest in storage bins and organizers to maximize every inch of free space you have. Under-the-bed storage boxes are perfect for holding shoes, boots, blankets, and clothing. Over-the-door organizers are ideal for holding household items on the back of a closet or bathroom door.

You can also maximize space inside existing cabinets and storage closets. Add risers on cabinet shelves to double your storage space.

3. Organize Every Item You Have

If you want to be productive, you can’t waste time searching for things when you need them. You’ll need to give everything a home so you know where to find it.

From the clothing in your closet to the food in your pantry, it’s important to organize things in a neat, efficient manner.

As you arrange your shelves, closets, and cabinets, make a point to keep similar items together.

For example:

Store all of your books in one place. Place all your cleaning products in the same cabinet. Keep all USB cords and chargers in the same bin.

Once you assign everything a place, make a point to keep everything in its place.

In other words, don’t just toss books and phone chargers on the coffee table when you’re done using them. Take five or ten minutes at the end of each day to put everything back where it belongs.

4. Carve Out Different Spaces

When you live in a studio apartment, you have to adjust to living, eating, and sleeping in one room.

But even though your apartment is one open space, you can still divide it up into separate spaces.

Try to carve out separate areas for different activities. This is tricky with limited space, but it can be done!

Want a corner or nook for reading, writing, and studying? Room dividers are great way to create “walls” within your studio. It may sound crazy, but this technique can make small niches feel like separate rooms!

Look for room dividers with open shelves. These can double as storage units, but won’t make your studio look or feel smaller than it is.

You can also create a work or study area with a fold-down wall desk. An inconspicuous desk gives you a workspace to use when you need it but can disappear back into the wall when you’re done.

5. Learn to Organize Your Time

To be productive, you need to do more than just organize your things – you also need to learn how to organize your time.

Time management is a skill that you can put to good use both at work and in your personal life.

The easiest way to start managing your time is to get a calendar or download a time-tracking app on your phone. With these tools, you can create schedules for cleaning and decluttering your studio on a regular basis.

If you’re want to be more productive in 2020, it’s time to get organized!

It doesn’t matter how small your apartment is — there are a few easy steps you can take to put yourself on the path to an organized and productive life.

  • Start by getting clutter under control
  • Invest in some wall shelves and hanging organizers
  • Designate a space for every item you own
  • Carve out different areas of your studio to function as unique spaces
  • Learn to organize and manage your time

With these tips and tricks, getting your life in order is possible. And it doesn’t take that much time, either.

You can start this weekend by decluttering every shelf, closet, cabinet, and drawer. During the week, do a bit of shopping to find storage solutions that will coordinate with your style and work for your lifestyle. Next weekend, hang some room dividers to create spaces for working, sleeping, and other activities.

Within a week or two, you’ll have your entire studio apartment organized so you can live a clutter-free life and be more productive!

Author Bio:

Caitlin Sinclair has seven years of property management experience working primarily in high-end apartment community living. Her ability to consistently deliver white-glove service to her residents and prospects has propelled her to a successful career that now finds her leading the team at Jefferson Promenade.

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