Asbestos Removal In Newcastle – The Dangers Of Asbestos

Before the mid-1980s, a home renovation was mostly carried out by many. A lot did house-flips by themselves, which was indeed beautiful, but at this moment, traditional homes are too old for the style in the 21st century. Not only that, switching our homes into a modern style would save a lot of space. Nowadays, minimalism is better and much more appealing.

But there’s something you must know before renovating your home.

The idea of home renovation might excite you. It is fun to buy furniture pieces, select a style, prepare, and much more, even though they are tiring. However, there must be something you should check. It circled the internet and news about how asbestos, a hazardous fiber that is possibly used before to build your house, could affect you and your family’s health. Read here: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/asbestos-elimination-of-asbestos-related-diseases.

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a mineral fiber commonly used since the early 2000s in home construction; it is regarded as a building material that adds strength, heat insulation and fire-resistant in our walls, ceiling, etc., making the foundation of the house robust and reliable.

Firstly, it is not a hazard. However, once it is disturbed, it is toxic when exposed. Fortunately, its use has been banned for many years already due to issues, although some still continue its use.

If you are planning to renovate your house, then let me ask you this. When was your home first built? If it is around the years I’ve mentioned, it is most likely made by asbestos construction material.

If you happened to renovate your house with asbestos fibers’ exposure, possibly you’ll get and your loved ones infected by asbestos-related diseases, such as Lung cancer, Mesothelioma, and Asbestosis. Most likely, lung disease has the most critical death rate in asbestos-related illnesses among people who have inhaled it. You will also get complications after inhalation of those, even in a short-term exposure; no amount of asbestos exposure is deemed safe.

It is crucial to get your house inspected because it may compromise many lives if you disregard this.

To ensure your health, here are the signs of getting a disease from asbestos that you must observe:

Shortness Of Breath

This happens when you are having difficulty breathing, including tightening of your chest and a feeling of suffocation. When it is inhaled, it affects our respiratory tract, specifically our lungs, since it is really a toxic fiber that may potentially cause cancer or some other diseases, which are vital and dangerous.

Dry Cough

Maybe if you have this, since home improvement always has dust or dirt particles everywhere, you’d just let it pass. This is something you have to be careful about, though. This could happen when the airways get clogged with asbestos fibers.


It may be a cause for concern, which could mean that this harmful fiber has been exposed to you. This usually occurs when the lungs are inflamed.

Pain In Your Chest

This often happens when there’s an inflammation in the lining of your lungs and chest. Alongside, the moment you cough or wheeze, a sting in your chest might occur.


When you experience extreme tiredness or fatigue alongside the symptoms mentioned above, this might lead you to asbestos-related diseases.

Probably you’d ignore these and will think that these are normal. However, when doing a house renovation, making sure is a must, mostly when your house was built way back in the 80s. This is a safety precaution or warning when doing so; it is better to be safe than sorry, as they say.

It could already be severe once you feel these signs simultaneously, and it would be better to get a check-up with a licensed doctor to ensure your health and your loved ones.

However, sometimes these symptoms are not noticeable and do not happen immediately after exposure. But keep it in mind if you have been exposed to house renovation. Observing these symptoms are often ineffective. As I have said, you might disregard this in experiencing. So it is better to prevent it from happening, rather than curing it in the future.

So if you are still in the process of planning your home renovation, you should consider this:

Since you can’t always see asbestos visibly in your naked eye and you wouldn’t quickly know whether your house is made of asbestos or not, it is best to make sure by consulting a licensed professional. Try consulting it companies like Black Diamond Asbestos Removal or other professionals to ensure everyone’s safety during the renovation. There are a lot in Newcastle, which is highly accessible and trusted in terms of removing asbestos. Having them remove asbestos will ensure your safety and the people who will do their work in renovating your home.

However, having asbestos in your home doesn’t mean you should have it all removed all the way and rebuild your house. It isn’t risky while it isn’t being demolished or if it’s far undisturbed. But all of it relies upon you in case you need it eliminated.

But this is a must if you are planning to make a change in your property, school, office, or anywhere it can be withinside the most secure way of eliminating it. It is because disturbing asbestos would be hazardous, so before reconstruction or renovation, it must be assured to get it done.


Before having your renovation, you must prioritize removing it earlier than doing something on your property. It can be risky for each certainly considered one among you residing in it. You will initially inhale it without any prevention, so it has to be observed.

You need to be aware of the locations in which they are likely to be found so that exposing yourself to asbestos would be avoided. Almost all of the asbestos-containing materials used in the construction of houses are often found in cement, pipes, floor or ceiling tiles, insulation, and walls.

If you have seen one in your place, do not scrape, drill, remove, damage, nor break it. In short, don’t ever disturb it so that it will remain safe for you and your health (check this). Please do not do something until experts have eliminated it because it is unsafe and undoubtedly dangerous.

Amanda: I love to buy a lot of products for the home, and dissect them out. I split them into duds and winners, and share the findings here on my site. As a reader of my site, I'm aiming for your next purchase to be an informed and inspired one.
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