A Quick Guide to Master Phillips Hue Lights

In the world today, we’ve moved from manual home lighting to automated home lighting. Basically, it’s possible to customize your lighting so that it can serve you as you want. One amazing lighting technology that’s leading the way is Phillips Hue. Those who are familiar with Phillips Hue understand that it’s not just an ordinary automatic home lighting solution.

As a matter of fact, it’s as a smart home lighting solution as you can sync your smartphone and use it to remotely control the lighting of your home. Other than smartphone synchronization, you can also link smart assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Amazon Alexa.

How the Technology Works

Essentially, you need to buy a Phillips Hue starter kit that comes with a digital box called a Smart Hub. The hub is connected to your smartphone through the Phillips Hue mobile app. It’s the Smart Hub that controls your entire home lighting but it’s primarily controlled by the mobile app. Once you issue a command on your mobile app, a signal is first sent to the Smart Hub.

Most importantly, the kit comes at a discount if you leverage Phillips Hue offers on Coupon Cause. So, you don’t have to pay the kit’s full-price.

Generally, it’s the Smart Hub that delivers instructions to relevant lights for them to power on or off or to change their scenes. Once these lights work as instructed by the hub, they’ll also send a confirmation signal to the hub showing that the instruction has been acted on. So, you’ll receive the confirmation signal on your handheld device.

The signals are sent really fast and you can only notice the action by observing the bulbs changing their color, dimness or brightness. But remember that your Smart Hub can only work properly when there’s Wi-Fi connectivity. Therefore, the hub is directly connected to your home Wi-Fi router. Without a Wi-Fi connection, it’s hard to link your Phillips Hue lights and the hub to your smartphone.

Ways to Master the Smart Technology

To ensure that you get the most from Phillips Hue, you should master a few basics:

   1. Automatic Control

With the Phillips Hue mobile app, you have absolute control of your lighting. So, it makes sense to exploit it to the fullest. The app comes with amazing features that allow you to automatically control your home lighting. In particular, you should understand these two features:

  • Quick Control: This feature allows you to switch your lights on and off just by a tap of a button. You can also use the feature to adjust brightness and change color scenes.
  • Personal Routines: Everyone has a personal routine for switching lights on and off at home. You can specify them on Phillips Hue by creating their schedules using the Personal Routines feature. It has the following options to consider:
  • Vacation routine: This allows you to control your home lighting when you are not at home. It makes people assume that you are around since the lights behave normally.
  • Savanna sunset: This is a pre-set feature for your lighting scenes. You need to learn to adjust it to give each room a distinct and comfortable feel.
  • Coming/leaving home: This feature allows you to automatically power your lights on or off depending on when you leave or arrive home.


   2. Smart Assistant Synchronization

Phillips Hue does not work alone. The technology has some acclaimed friends that it works with. They are meant to provide control assistance to you. Additionally, they can detect motions and gases (more carbon dioxide). Such detections will automatically initiate a response from your lights. The smart assistants include:

  • Amazon Alexa: This feature allows you to control your home lighting via voice command. So, you just need to ask and the smart lights will obey.
  • Google Assistant: This works more like your personal assistant. It helps you to control your Phillips Hue lights just by simple commands.
  • Siri: This is a virtual voice assistant from Apple that works the same way as Amazon Alexa.

Other smart assistants that you may find useful include Vivint and IFTTT. Vivint allows you to connect your smart lights to different smart devices while IFTTT automates your lighting through conditional statements.

   3. Color Scene Customization

When it comes to adjusting brightness and changing the color of the lights, you need customized color scenes that you can pick fast. Creating one is very simple. You just need to follow these steps:

  • Identify the ‘new scene’ tab on your homepage and click on it.
  • Pick a room or rooms that you want to have the new color scene on.
  • Go to additional option and pick a customized color. You can use the help of a lighting selector. There’s also the photograph selector and the color selector that you can also use.
  • Give your scene a distinct name before saving the changes.
  • Repeat the process to create more colorful scenes.

As shown in our guide, you have to understand how everything in your Phillip Hue starter kit works to get the most out of the technology. Essentially, the technology has some amazing features waiting to be fully exploited. It’s, therefore, a must-have kit for modern homes. Most importantly, the kit comes at a discount if you leverage Phillips Hue offers on Coupon Cause. So, you don’t have to pay the kit’s full-price.

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