8 Ways of Getting Rid of Pet Smells in Your Home

Pet odors are unavoidable if you have pets. As time goes on, these smells get embedded into the carpeting, floors, furniture, and fabric in your home. Some animals will naturally be less odorless than others and some will have periods of seasonal malting accompanied by sweat.

Although homeowners might grow oblivious to the worst of their pets’ odors, any visitor coming to the house will be assaulted with the smell immediately. Not only that but odors related to litter trays for cats, mice, and even pet snakes can become a breeding ground for bacteria

They are not only unpleasant to be around but can impact the health of your pet or animal.

Therefore, it is a good idea to prevent and get rid of pet smells in your home. Depending on how concentrated the smells are, corrective measures can be small or extensive. 

Here are eight ways to get rid of pet smells in your home.

Regular and Thorough Cleaning

Once you bring a pet home, one of the essential things you have to do is clean. Ensure to clean all spaces where your pet lies and provide adequate ventilation in that pet space. 

Open up windows to ensure the optimal circulation of air in your home. Use the vacuum on the carpets, floors, and upholstery. You can also use specific pet hair remover brushes as pet hair also contributes to bad odors.

Litter areas should be kept clean and disposed of regularly. Areas that are left damp for periods of time can encourage molds and fungi and become a problem to animals that live in small enclosures.

Use good quality sawdust for smaller animals or commercially available, non-scented clay balls to reduce odors, damp, and the formation of bacteria.

Deep-Clean Fabrics

Fabrics like drapes, upholstery, and carpets tend to absorb pet smells after some time. Hence, you might need to take these pieces and wash them. If the smell does not dissipate even after washing, it would be best if you replaced the fabrics.

For dogs and cats, shampoos are available to help keep carpets, cushions, animal bedding, and furniture clean and odor-free.

Removable furniture covers and begging should be thoroughly washed with soapy water and rinsed. Sun-drying is also an excellent way to remove stubborn odors in your dog or cats’ bedding.

Scrub Floors and Walls

Pets, even those that are potty trained, tend to leave urine and other waste products out of their designated area. The buildup of these waste products can cause horrible stains and smells. 

Mix vinegar or hydrogen peroxide with water or use other prepackaged odor-neutralizing cleaning agents to scrub the problem areas. Clean as soon as these messes occur. 

It is much easier to clean messes when they are fresh.

Do not allow stains and damp to build-up on floors. Hot water and sugar soap are a great way to restore stained and smelly surfaces but make sure the area is dry before you bring your pet back into the room. Many cleaning products can be irritating to your pets’ skin, eye, nose, and throat.

Hire Professional Carpet Dry Cleaning Service

Regardless of how thoroughly you clean and vacuum your carpets, there are bound to be dirt and smells lodged so deep that you can not get them out. 

Therefore, it would be best if you hired a Melbourne carpet cleaning service as they have specialized products and equipment that will remove pet smells altogether.

Doing this regularly will go a long way to reducing pet smells and ensuring your carpeted surfaces are clean.

Refurbish your Walls

Pet smells can get embedded into your walls, thereby making it hard to get rid of them regardless of how you clean your home. 

Applying a fresh coat of paint is an excellent way to seal the lousy smell off and ensure that it goes away permanently.

Bathe Pets Regularly

Ensuring that your pets are always clean is a foolproof way to reduce or eliminate pet odors in your home. Give your pet baths with soap or shampoo regularly and ensure that they are adequately groomed. 

You can also make regular appointments with professional groomers for a more thorough grooming.

Dogs love a bath – for the most part. Pet mice and rats also enjoy a brief swim. Cat’s need more coaxing. Be careful about the soaps and conditioners that you use on your pet. The chemicals in these products can irritate the skin and even cause mild rashes and discomfort.

Also, be mindful that your pet may feel the cold more than you realize. Use warm water on cool days and give them the opportunity for delf-grooming afterward by placing them in the sun.

Clean Pet Furniture Often

Pet beds and toys are items that accumulate bad smells over time. Hence, ensure to clean the pet’s bed, blankets and clothes regularly. 

Their toys, leashes, crates, and cages should also undergo thorough cleaning as often as possible. Litter boxes should be cleaned out, and litter should be replaced daily.

Train Your Pets

Pets can be trained to keep off certain areas and furniture. They can also be potty trained to prevent the spread of bad smells in the home. 

When leaving pets at home, they can be confined with gates to a specific area. This method will enable you to ascertain where to direct concentrated efforts when cleaning.

After removing the pet smells in your home, ensure that you practice preventive measures that can reduce the smells significantly by preventing the buildup of dirt and foul odors.

Toilet training id vital to good pet hygiene. Ideally, toileting should be done outside in an area where the elements can break down animal matter quickly. If this is not possible then be sure to keep the yard clean by disposing of animal waste in sealed bags.

Given time, most animals can be trained – and will naturally attempt – good hygiene practices. For you to succeed with your pet you need to provide a safe and reliable environment with minimal stress and distraction.

Michael John: My Name is Micheal John
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